Where Your Doctor Works for YOU
Private Physician Consultations by Appointment (In-Person and Online)
TAKE TWO HEALTH is a private healthcare practice.
Physician consultation appointments are available
online and in-person as arranged in a private home office setting.
Our DPCC Membership program is currently full.
We provide personal physician services in a direct-pay model (no insurance needed)
to help you take control and transform your health, especially around our focus areas:
When it comes to health, we all deserve a TAKE TWO.
A do-over. A re-framing. Another shot at telling our story,
at showing our craft, and at producing our Best Self.
Healthcare that believes that the only way to run out of chances is to stop taking them.
Healthy doesn’t mean getting perfect scores on a physical exam.
Healthy means living a life full of rich experiences, meaning, and connections.
This doesn’t require a “perfect” body - but it does require nurturing and working with the body you have.
So, what does it take to get Healthy?
a doctor who knows you
a team that cares
curiosity, and the willingness to keep on learning
a community that supports one another to do Difficult Things