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On 22 March 2021, our Boulder CO community was rocked by a mass shooting at our King Soopers (Table Mesa) grocery
We stand in grief and solidarity with all who have been affected by this act of terrorism and the loss of 10 precious human lives in our community
These traumatic situations take a toll on all of us and support is critical.
For specific resources and support here are some places to turn to:
Colorado Crisis Services - call 1-844-493-TALK (8255) or text TALK to 38255
Responding to Spiritual Questions and Emotional Needs after Tragedies
Tips for Talking With Kids & Helping Youth Cope After a Disaster or Traumatic Event
5 Tips for Talking with Children about Hate Incidents from the ADL
How do we help children cope with tragedies that occur in our communities and in the news headlines?
The Boulder Valley School District’s trauma response team is supporting district students impacted. To receive support, fill out this form.
Mental Health Resources en español
Colorado Healing Fund, a nonprofit that gives people a secure way to donate to the victims of mass casualty crimes in Colorado, recently activated to collect funds specifically for the Boulder shooting victims and their families: coloradohealingfund.org.
To make a monetary donation to fallen Boulder Police Officer Eric Talley or for the civilian victims of yesterday's shooting, please visit boulderoem.com/donations/ for information.
Community Foundation Boulder County has announced a fund to support the needs of victims and families of the larger Boulder community after Monday’s shooting. Visit commfound.givecorps.com to learn more.
Vigils and Community Events:
A candlelight vigil for the victims is planned for Tuesday (3/24) at 7:00 PM at the Boulder County Courthouse on the Pearl Street Mall.
Boulder Vigil at Fairview High School, hosted by Moms Demand Action, will take place on Thursday, March 25th at 6:30 PM. Participants are asked to use the parking lot as a drive in.